effective ways to improve your eyesight

1.Well Balanced Diet

Balanced diet with enough antioxidants will help in maintaining a good eyesight. These antioxidants will be mostly present in dark leafy greens, egg yolks, pumpkin, sweet potatoes,blueberries, grapes, goji berries and carrots.Vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like copper and zinc are very helpful for a better eyesight.Consuming yellow and green vegetables can help prevent age-related blindness. Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of your eye.Those foods include garlic, onions.

2.Proper Distance between eye and the TV or Computer

Avoid spending too much time in front of a computer screen or television.This is because your eye lens become more permanently adjusted to this focal length, which makes it more difficult to focus on objects far away.Maintain 10 to 15 feet distance from the Tv screen to the eye.


3.Regular Exercises

Practice some exercises daily which help for a better eyesight.

i)Move your eyes from side to side, up and down, zig zag, circle, square for about 5 min


ii)Blinking is an often a very easy and simple way to keep your eyes fresh so that you can focus longer.


iii)Washing your eyes with fresh and clean water at regular intervals.


4.Maintaining moisture

Maintaining moisture within your eyes is one of the best way you can do to keep them healthy. Dry eyes cause itchyness , redness and even painful . Try to blink frequently, even when you are focused on watching TV or working on your computer and wash your eyes at regular intervals.


5.Take regular breaks

If your eyes have to focus on a task for much of the time, take regular breaks. Taking a break for every 15 minutes for every hour can help prevent eye strain and give your eyes some kind of relaxation.Listening to melodious music also can relax your eyes and mind.


6.Reduce stress

Stress is also one of the major causes of increased number of vision problem.Reasons for having more stress will be such as Driving the car during nights, not enough sleep and so on..




7.Have Enough Sleep

If we don’t have enough sleep, we feel tired ,head-achy, hurts to keep your eyes open and vision also seems blurry.Getting sufficient  rest can assist in eyesight improvement and eye muscles to relax completely.


8.Protect your eyes from UV rays

UV rays are very harmful to eyes.Wear good quality sunglasses that provide UV protection from the sunrays. These UV rays effect the eyes of children more than adults.Take care of children when they are more exposed to sunlight.




9.Stay hydrated

The average human body is made up of about 60% water. If your eyes are dry, blurry , increase your water intake. The more intake of water decreases the tiredness of the eyes.Along with water you must also try to eat more fruits and vegetables that are high in water content.Avoid alcoholic drinks.


10.Quit Smoking for Better Eyesight

Thousands of chemicals get into your bloodstream when you inhale cigarette smoke. These chemicals cause damage to the macula. Tiny blood vessels can burst through the macula causing a lot of damage to the cells in it.These cells slowly die which ultimately lead to the loss of vision.

Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration.Being exposed to tobacco smoke can increase your risk for developing a number of eye disorders.

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