Bored after eating plain parathas, so make delicious egg parathas today

If you are fond of eating non-veg, then today we have brought to you the method of making egg parathas. If you are fond of eating eggs, then you should make and eat this egg paratha today and then tell me in the comments how did you like the paratha?

Ingredients for making egg parathas- 1 cup wheat flour 2 eggs

1 large chopped green chili

1 tsp red chilli powder

Pepper as per requirement

1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

water as per requirement

2 tsp oil

1 small chopped onion

1 1/2 tbsp chopped tomatoes

salt as per requirement

Pinch turmeric

1/2 tbsp ghee

Method of making egg parathas-  First of all, knead the wheat flour with the help of hot water and oil and prepare it. Set it aside for 20 minutes. Then add eggs, chopped vegetables, salt, pepper, red chilli powder and turmeric in a bowl. Strain the mixture well. Now flatten the loaves like bread with the help of a cylinder. After this, heat ghee in a pan and then add paratha. Half-cook the paratha on both sides and take it out in a plate. Open the upper layer of the paratha. Then put the egg mixture in the pan. When the egg is half-ripe, place the paratha on top of it. Press it lightly with the hand so that the omelette sticks to the paratha. Now cook it from the other side as well. Check if the omelette is cooked properly and the paratha has turned light brown in colour. Take your egg paratha is ready.

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