Eid-ul-Zuha festival to be celebrated on this day

In Islam, the festival of Eid-ul-Zuha is celebrated two to three months after Eid-ul-Fitr. Talking about this festival, it is the festival of sacrifice. This is the second major festival of Islam. It is also known as Bakrid. Earlier in the month of June, Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated. So let's give you information about Eid-ul-Juha which will be celebrated on August 12 this year.

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Eid-ul-Zuha is celebrated to commemorate the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim. On this day, Hazrat Ibrahim agreed to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail to show his loyalty to Allaah at the behest of Allah. The main purpose of this festival is to inculcate the spirit of public service and service to Allah among the people. This festival of Eid-ul-Zuha also fulfils the fifth atherine Hajj of Islam.

The Story of Eid-ul-Zuha The Qur'an states that one day Allah asked Hazrat Ibrahim for his most beloved thing in his dream. Hazrat Ibrahim seemed to be his son. They decided to sacrifice their son. But as Hazrat Ibrahim stabbed his son on his neck, Allah saved the son of Hazrat Ibrahim with a knife and offered a sheep sacrifice. That is why this festival is also known as Bakrid.

How is Eid-ul-Zuha celebrated?

* On the day of Eid-ul-Zuha, Muslims sacrifice an animal such as goats, sheep, camels, etc. The meat of this sacrifice is divided into three parts: one for yourself, one for relatives and one for the poor.

* On this day, all people pray cleanly and get dressed in new clothes. Men are ordered to read in mosques and Eidgah and women at home. The process of sacrifice can be initiated only after reading the prayer.

* Like Eid-ul-Fitr, it is mandatory to give Zakat in Eid-ul-Zuha so that no poor is left on this occasion of happiness.

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