Emotional and irritated before Menstruation?

Most women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) during their reproductive years. It is experienced before the monthly flow, and for many women it is characterized by mood swings. Why women easily get upset and anxious before their period? In the study that was published in ‘Biological Psychiatry’ journal, researchers revealed that the instability of mood before menstruation is related to the response of cells of the brain called GABA receptors.

The scanning with PET scan will show the glucose metabolism which is required to identify the activity in the brain. The cause of emotional changes before menstruation turned out not to be caused by hormones. Scan results showed an increase in activity in the cerebellum in women with PMDD. The higher the increase in activity, the worse the emotion condition changes.

Women experience tender breast, white discharge, severe stomach cramps, back pain, severe headache, breakouts, food cravings, bloating, etc. With so much going on, it becomes difficult to manage everyday routine and thus tends to get irritated and emotional for the smallest issues.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a serious and in some cases disabling extension of PMS. If you have PMDD, you will notice at least one of these behavioural or emotional symptoms such as hopelessness or sadness, extremely moody, anxiety, irritability and anger.

How to deal with this is a question for most women who are suffering from mood swings. It can be difficult to prevent it or stop it but you can look for ways to control it.

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