Encounter between terrorists and security forces in Dungarpora area of Pulwama district

Jammu: Increasing terrorist infiltration in our country for many days has created havoc in the hearts of people. Everyone is troubled by the continuous terrorist attack, where the Indian soldiers are constantly fighting and protecting the country. There is an encounter between terrorists and security forces in Dungarpora area of Pulwama district in South Kashmir. Two to three terrorists are likely to be hidden in the area. A joint team of security forces in carrying out this operation. In the early hours of Saturday, security forces were informed about the presence of terrorists in the area. Soon, a joint team of security forces began to cordon the area.

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During this time, the terrorists, seeing themselves surrounded, started firing on the security forces. The security forces asked the terrorists to surrender. Despite this, the terrorists continued to target the security forces. Three terrorists are present in the area. The Director-General of Police of Jammu and Kashmir, Dilabag Singh, on Wednesday had bluntly said that our Counter Terrorist Grid will continue its operation against terrorists. There will be no shortage of it between the Covid 19 epidemic. The security forces have done a great job against Pakistan-sponsored terrorism between Corona to war, and have failed many infiltration attempts.

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Regarding this, the DGP said that there will be no reduction in our struggle on this front because of the Corona epidemic. There are constant attempts to infiltrate across the border, but due to the vigilance of the security forces, we are alert on the borders. On the other hand, our officers and soldiers are also playing the role of front-line warriors in the battle with Corona. He is presenting an exemplary example by helping needy people. We assure that we will continue to serve the people with full commitment.

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