On leaving Lazio, Erickson gave a big statement, says Maybe I made a mistake

Former coach Sven Goren Erikson once again recalled the time he left the Italian club Lazio to take over the coaching post of the England national football team. Erikson had been Lazio's coach for four years. Under his guidance, Lazio's team won the Serie-A league title twice and the Copa Italia Trophy and UEFA Super in the 1999–2000 season.

Erikson said in Italian radio, "I am still a fan of Lazio. That was the strongest team I trained." He said, "It was probably one of the best teams in the world at that time. We had won a lot in three and a half years and we could have won more than that. Erickson became the coach of the England football team in 2001. Under his guidance England had reached the quarter-finals of the 2002 World Cup, 2004 Euro and 2006 World Cup. Despite being in their golden phase, the England team did not win any title at that time and then Later, Erikson was criticized.

Erikson said, "For some time I thought to myself that it would have been better if I had stayed with Lazio in Italy. But once the offer came from England, it happens once in life." The former coach said, "I thought I should have said no, but if I had turned down the offer, I would have regretted it for a lifetime. I may have made a mistake and it may not have been. Who knows. But now we can't change it. "

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