Do These Exercises For Healthy Eyes

If you want to keep your eyes fit till old age, you must exercise your eyes. As you get older, your eyesight decreases. But exercise can always keep it healthy. There is a simple exercise for the eyes which can help you in maintaining your eye's health in the old age also.  ESo let's tell you what exercises are necessary for your eyes.

Exercise for eyes 

Sit comfortably in a chair. Heat your hands by rubbing the palms.

Close your eyes and cover them lightly with warm palms.

Do not put pressure on the iWall.

Cover the eyes in such a way that not a single ray of light reaches them from the middle of the fingers or palms.

During this time, take a deep breath and think about something good or something that is going to happen in the future.

Then you remove the palms and open your eyes slowly.

Do this process at least 3 minutes or more a day.

How to refresh the eyes

Take two towels, soak one in warm water and soak the other in cold water.

First take a towel and rotate with light pressure on your face.

Touch your eyebrows and eyes comfortably in the surrounding area.

Keep your eyelids closed during this time so that the eyes can be reapered well.

Thus, reaper the eyes and face with both towels once.

Finally use cold water towel.

Massage the eyes too

Close your eyes and rotate your fingers lightly rounding your eyes for 2 to 3 minutes.

Do this process very slowly and wash your hands later without damaging your eyes.

If you do all the above procedures, eye exercise is more beneficial.

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