'Facebook' adds new feature for 'US Presidential elections'

US presidential elections are the hot news now. Everyone is talking about will it be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to replace the existing President Barack Obama. The date is getting closer as we will be seeing elections on 8th November 2016.

Going with the flow, facebook has also added a new feature which will help the voters to decide, who their future president is going to be. Before you make any selections, the planner will list down all the positives and negatives of the candidate which will help you to make an analysis and give your suggestion.

“Today, we’re introducing a new feature that shows you what’s on the ballot - from candidates to ballot initiatives,” Facebook announced on Friday. “How you vote is a personal matter, and we’ve taken steps to make sure that you have the utmost control over your plan,” Facebook said in a statement.

“After you make a selection, you have to choose who you want to be able to see it (“Only me” or “Friends”). For example, you may want to be private about your choice for president, but share with friends your pick for a congressional race or a ballot initiative,” it added.

On the election day, Americans will not only decide who their next president or vice president will be, but they will also vote for some new members of Congress, state governors, as well as state and local officials.

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