Farmers call for Bharat Bandh on 8 December

New Delhi: The agitation of the farmers against the agricultural laws of the Central government is still not over. Today is the fifth round of talks with the government on Saturday, but before that the farmers have made a big announcement. Farmers organizations have announced to burn the effigy of Prime Minister today. Not only this but called for a Bharat Bandh on 8 December.

The Secretary-General of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, HS Lakhowal said yesterday, 'PM Modi's effigies will be burnt across the country on 5 December. We have called for a Bharat Bandh on 8 December.' General Secretary Hannan Mollah said, 'No amendment of the Central Government will be accepted. To call it Punjab movement is a conspiracy of the government, but today the farmers showed that this movement is taking place all over India and it will happen even further. We have decided that we will not accept the amendment if the government puts an amendment tomorrow.

It has been a total of nine days for the farmers who are protesting on the borders of Delhi and in the meantime, discussions have been held with the Central Government twice. Even after much discussion, no concrete result has come out so far, due to this, it is being said about performing strongly today. The farmers are adamant on the demand for withdrawal of the agricultural law and want solid faith in the MSP.

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