Chinese Defence Minister told Rajnath Singh 'responsibility lies entirely with India'

Moscow : Efforts are being made to improve the deteriorating relations between China and India. In such a situation, both countries once again sat face to face for talks. Indeed, in Moscow, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met Rajnath Singh, Defense Minister of India. At the same time, in this meeting too, China has left no stone unturned to show airs.

Indeed, the Chinese Defense Minister once again boasted of his army and said that 'China's army is ready to face any competition'. Apart from this, China acted to hold India responsible for the encounter in Galvan and China also called India guilty for the current tension. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh did not listen to one and simply said that he hoped that China would show a responsible nation like attitude and would take steps to completely withdraw its army stationed at LaC in Ladakh.

Apart from this, he also said 'China should not take any such step which worsens the relationship between the two countries'. Now talk about the conversation, the conversation between the two was about 2 hours 20 minutes. The meeting was held in Moscow, the capital of Russia. During this time, the Defense Minister of China made many things in front. Meanwhile, while replying to the Chinese propaganda, India's Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said, "In the present situation there is a need for peace and comfortable atmosphere on the border for both the countries." We should keep the doors of dialogue open at all levels, whether it is military dialogue or diplomatic and dialogue and interaction should be resolved.

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