Finland Enhances Border Security with New Surveillance Aircraft

Strengthening Surveillance Capabilities Amidst Changing Security Environment:  Finland is set to bolster its border security with the procurement of two new surveillance aircraft from U.S.-based Sierra Nevada Corp, announced the Finnish Border Guard on Thursday. Valued at 163 million euros ($174 million), these aircraft will play a crucial role in patrolling Finland's extensive eastern border with Russia, spanning 1,340 kilometers (833 miles).

Last year, Finland closed all border crossing points along its Russian border indefinitely following the arrival of approximately 1,300 migrants from countries like Syria and Somalia. This move underscores Helsinki's heightened concerns over potential threats and the need for robust border monitoring.

"The new surveillance aircraft will significantly enhance Finland's capabilities in both border security and maritime surveillance, crucial in our current unpredictable security landscape," stated Matti Sarasmaa, Chief of the Border and Coast Guard Division.

Manufactured by Canada's Bombardier and customized by Sierra Nevada for specific Border Guard requirements, these new aircraft are slated to replace aging twin-turboprop planes by 2026 and 2027. Equipped with state-of-the-art technical systems and advanced surveillance sensors, they are expected to vastly improve operational efficiency.

The decision to upgrade comes as Finland faces evolving security challenges. The existing Dornier 228 aircraft, introduced in 1995, are nearing obsolescence and becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. The new multipurpose aircraft will offer versatility and adaptability, essential for meeting the diverse operational demands in Finland's rugged conditions.

The Finnish Border Guard plays a pivotal role in safeguarding Finland's borders and maritime territories, conducting vital tasks such as border monitoring, search and rescue operations, vessel identification in the Baltic Sea, and response to marine environmental emergencies. Additionally, these aircraft support international cooperation efforts and fulfill obligations under agreements like the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (HELCOM).

With these new additions, Finland aims to reinforce its national security infrastructure and ensure effective monitoring and protection of its borders and maritime zones.

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