Taiwan Spots Increased Chinese Military Activity Near Its Borders
Taiwan Spots Increased Chinese Military Activity Near Its Borders

Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence (MND) has reported significant Chinese military activity near its territory. From 6 am on Wednesday to 6 am on Thursday, Taiwan detected 35 Chinese military aircraft and seven naval vessels operating around the island.

The MND stated that 33 of these aircraft crossed the median line and entered various parts of Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), including the northern, central, southwestern, and eastern regions. In response, Taiwan deployed aircraft, naval ships, and coastal missile systems to monitor the situation.

In a post on social media platform X, the MND said, "We have detected 35 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan until 6 a.m. today. 33 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central, southwestern, and eastern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded accordingly."

Increasing Incursions
Throughout June, Taiwan has observed 371 instances of Chinese military aircraft and 204 naval or coast guard vessels near its territory. Since September 2020, China has ramped up its use of grey zone tactics, which aim to achieve security objectives without large-scale force.

Grey zone tactics involve efforts beyond normal deterrence to create pressure without engaging in full-scale conflict. This latest incursion is part of a series of provocations, with China frequently increasing its air and naval activities around Taiwan.

Historical Tensions
Taiwan remains a contentious issue in China's foreign policy, with China asserting its claim over the island and insisting on reunification, potentially by force. On June 25, Taiwan's Coast Guard (CGA) reported monitoring four Chinese coast guard vessels near the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen Islands. The CGA dispatched patrol boats to observe and gather evidence until the Chinese vessels left the area.

The Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) justified its actions by claiming the patrols were legal and aimed at ensuring fishing rights and the security of life and property within China's claimed territory, which includes Taiwan. This incident followed the deaths of two Chinese nationals in February, who died when a speedboat they were on capsized near the Kinmen Islands while being pursued by CGA personnel.

Strategic Implications
These frequent incursions highlight the ongoing tension and strategic maneuvering in the region. Taiwan continues to bolster its defenses and monitor Chinese activities closely, emphasizing the importance of maintaining regional stability and safeguarding its sovereignty.

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