Follow these cardio exercises for quick weight loss…read inside

Simple cardio exercises that can help you lose weight:

1. Running

Running or jogging at a steady, moderate pace is an excellent way to burn fat and calories. It is simple, gets the heart rate up and is a great way to warm up for any intense workout. Running can help you stay fit by keeping your blood sugar levels and blood pressure normal. This exercise is beneficial for the heart as well.

2. Jumping rope

One of the best cardio exercises for weight loss is jumping rope. It not only helps in burning calories  but also helps in building bone density, strengthens your legs and core, improves your stamina and makes your heart stronger.

3. Stair workout

A simple flight of stairs can be included in your workout routine. Walking, running, or lunging up a flight of stairs burn a lot of calories and help in weight loss. It strengthens the lower body, tones the butt, thighs, calves and aid in building great abs. In addition, they are beneficial for cardiovascular health and lungs.

4. Swimming

Swimming is a full body workout that is perfect for the summer season. The exercise can help you give a flat stomach, lose that extra body fat and is even beneficial if you are suffering from spondylitis. Do try it before the season for this fun workout has gone!

5. Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are beneficial for the heart as they increase the rate. They build strength and endurance in the core and promote functional fitness. They work on multiple muscle groups at the same time.

6. Cycling

Even riding a bicycle offers several health benefits. It helps in improving stamina, lose belly fat, better bone health, manages stress levels, better posture and coordination, improves joint mobility, flexibility and strength.

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