Follow these home remedies to reduce uric acid

Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and fast food habits, we are facing many health problems. One of the major problems is the increase in uric acid, which can cause problems like joint pain, swelling, and arthritis. Well-known nutritionist Riddhi Patel has mentioned some natural remedies on social media, which can help in reducing the level of uric acid.

Bitter gourd juice

Some people's mouth turns bitter as soon as they hear the word bitter gourd, but do you know that it can also help in reducing uric acid? Bitter gourd has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, which help in reducing inflammation and pain. Its consumption also improves liver function. You can take advantage of this by drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice early in the morning.

Turmeric Milk

Drinking turmeric milk can be an effective remedy to reduce uric acid. Turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties, which help in flushing out uric acid from the body. Apart from this, turmeric milk also maintains blood pressure and eliminates bad bacteria in the stomach. Drinking a glass of turmeric milk before sleeping can also be beneficial.

ginger tea

Ginger tea can also be helpful in reducing uric acid. Ginger has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, which help reduce inflammation and pain. Drinking a small amount of ginger tea daily can reduce joint pain and swelling. You can consume it by boiling ginger in water twice a day.

Caution in consumption

However, if you are taking medicines for uric acid, it is important to consult your doctor before taking these natural remedies. The doctor will give you the right advice only after looking at your health condition. It is very important to follow the right diet and lifestyle to control uric acid. The above remedies can help your body reduce uric acid, but if the problem is serious, it is always better to consult a specialist. Take care of your health and adopt the right remedy.

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