Foods you must avoid giving your kids!!!

Snacking can be fun, social, and healthy for kids. But many common snacks lack nutrients and are full of harmful ingredients and sugar.

Pop Tarts – These are processed foods and contain high amounts of sugar, both corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. Refined sugars spike insulin levels and feed cancer cells.

Cheese crackers – Many crackers are now made with real cheese and whole grains, and that’s a step in the right direction. But snacks like this can quickly rack up the salt your child is eating.

Boxed mac & cheese – Apart from being highly processed, this boxed meal is leaded with sodium and preservatives. These also lack nutrients which are essential for your kids.

Artificial juices/energy drinks – Along with sugar, these drinks contain stimulants and carbohydrates which are bad for kids. It increases overall daily caloric intake without significant additional nutritional value. These also lead to early obesity in kids and other health struggles. Water is the best and safest liquid.

Granola Bars – Most parents think these are healthy options. But these offer very little protein and fiber and added sugars too. There are some granola bars which contain real fruits and nuts. Just read the list of ingredients before purchasing one.

Fast Food Meals – Almost all kids love fries and burgers. These are the worst of the lot. They are identified as cancer causing foods.

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