Fried Modak Recipe

Modak is an Indian sweet dish served especially on the occasion of Ganesh Utsav and we all very aware of that any Ganesh Chaturthi celebration is not complete without 21 pieces of Modak in the Prasad. The sweet filling inside this dessert consists of coconut and jaggery with an outer layer of Rice flour, only this time it is fried. By Chef: Anita Mokashi.

Ingredients Of Fried Modak

To make outer cover:

2 cup rice flour 1 cup water 4 Tbsp ghee Pinch of Salt To make stuffing: 2 cup shredded Coconut 2 cup Jaggery 4 Tbsp poppy seeds Cardamom powder Roasted cashew nuts and raisins

How to Make Fried Modak

-To make outer cover: Mix rice flour and salt in a bowl.Add water and knead well.At the end add ghee and knead again.Keep it aside for 15 mins. To make stuffing: In a pan, roast the poppy seeds.Once they are roasted well add the shredded coconut and jaggery. Mix everything well.Finally, add cardamom powder and cashew nuts.The stuffing is ready.

To make modak:

-Take small balls of the dough, roll it into small puris.To make the modak crispy the puri should be thin.To make modak of the same size cut out the puri with a round shaped cutter.Now spread a spoonful of stuffing over the puri.

-Fold the edges and gather them in the centre. Seal it properly.Heat oil and deep fry the modaks. The oil should not be too hot as the modak can get burnt and remain uncooked from inside.Stir them at regular intervals to make sure that they are cooked from all sides.Store them in an airtight container.Serve them hot. 

Key Ingredients: Rice Flour, Clarified Butter, Salt, Desiccated Coconut, Jaggery, Poppy Seeds, Cashew Nuts, Raisins, Green Cardamom.

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