Stay updated with these General knowledge questions of geographical location

Q 1 How much is India's expansion from east to west

Answer: 2933 km

Q 2 Name the northernmost point of India

Answer Indira Call

Q 3 What is the number of states along the coastline in India?

Answer: Nine

Five questions from India in UNGA, which embarrassed Pakistan

Q 4 The state with the longest coastline

Answer: Gujarat

Q 5 Cancer line passes through how many states of India?

Answer: Eight

Q 6 Which plateau is situated between the Aravalli and Vindhya ranges

Answer: Malwa Plateau

Answer these questions of General Knowledge for Competitive Examination

Q 7 What is the number of states in India?

Answer: 29

Q 8 Where is India's largest port Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru located?

Answer: In Mumbai

Q 9 Name the longest river in India

Answer: Ganga

Q 10Tthe widest river in India

Answer: Brahmaputra

General Knowledge: Important questions for the competitive exam aspirants

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