NASA claims asteroid will pass encountering Earth from near

A giant asteroid is scheduled to pass very close to the Earth on 21 March. According to the US space agency NASA, the Asteroid 2001 FO32 has a diameter of 915 meters (three thousand feet). Which was discovered 20 years ago. It will pass 20 million km from the Earth. In such a situation, there will be no more impact on the Earth.

According to NASA, this asteroid will pass near the Earth at around four in the morning. After which it is not going to come close to the earth until the year 2052. Which will accelerate to 1,24000 kilometers per hour, which is much higher than other asteroids passing near the Earth. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) chief scientist Prof. Lance Benner said that there is very little information about this asteroid at the moment. While approaching, research can succeed in solving many unresolved mysteries of space.

Illumination will reveal the truth of an asteroid: NASA astronomers say that detailed information about the size and structure of an asteroid is coming from light falling on its surface. When the sun's rays fall on its surface, the rock will start shining. With this help, astronomers will prepare detailed chemical fingerprints of minerals and gather detailed information.

No significant impact on the Earth until the next century: According to reports, astronomers who understand the world of Asteroids closely are also keeping an eye on it from other parts of the world. NASA has said that 95 percent of the asteroids passing near the Earth have been larger than the '2001 FO32', but they are not going to have any significant impact on the Earth until the next century. NASA monitors every asteroid that passes close to the Earth. Asteroid named Apophis is also awaited in 2029.

It has been learned that the Director of the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, Prof. Paul Kodas Chodas says that when this celestial body passes through the southern part of the sky, then it will see a lot of brightness. To see this, a modern telescope will be used, which will have an 8-inch aperture. So that every activity of the asteroid can be seen closely, although for this they will probably have to keep the entire map of the stars with them so that they can capture it.

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