Global South Recruits for the Dying Ranks of Mercs Ukraine Warned of 'Survival Time of Just Days'

Moscow: Russia's Ministry of Defence previously issued a warning that Kiev has apparently intensified its campaign to recruit mercenaries, with several Western private military contractors with ties to the CIA apparently also involved in this recruitment, in order to make up for the significant personnel losses suffered by Ukrainian forces during their halting "counteroffensive."

According to Brazilian military analyst and reserve officer Robinson Farinazzo for Sputnik, "Ukraine is recruiting in the Global South because it no longer has people to send to the battlefield."

According to Farinazzo, former Ukrainian combatants are currently stepping up their social media campaign to convince Brazilians to join the conflict abroad. In addition to replenishing the ranks of fighters on Kiev's side, he claimed that the recruitment drive "has a propaganda effect."

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Fresh emphasis was placed in July on the recruitment drive to bolster the ranks of fighters because the much-hyped counteroffensive by the Ukrainian military has so far resulted in sizable personnel losses and the destruction of significant quantities of military equipment gifted by NATO. The authorities in Kiev and their NATO puppet masters have been stepping up their efforts to recruit Brazilians as mercenaries because they are desperate for more cannon fodder for the US-led proxy war being waged against Russia in Ukraine.

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Recruiters have been looking to South American nations like Brazil and even Russia itself as a source of experienced soldiers, specialised personnel, and trustworthy intelligence. The Western private military contractors with ties to the CIA appeared to be deeply involved in this recruitment drive, the Russian Ministry of Defence of Defence warned earlier in the week. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns was quoted as recently admitting openly to the agency's recent "outreach effort" on the well-known social media platform Telegram to find new spies. Burns emphasised that Russians were being instructed on "how to contact the CIA securely on the dark web" and added, "We're very much open for business."


The job offer from NATO and Ukraine is to fight alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces in frontline offensive operations in the Global South. Robinson Farinazzo claims that the Brazilian media is deliberately misleading its audience by "selling the narrative that the war in Ukraine is a safari to kill Russian soldiers" and by implying that Brazilian soldiers "will make posts on social media networks and will be welcomed at home as heroes."

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At least three Brazilians died in 2022 as a result of their membership in the Kiev Foreign Legion. The conflagration is becoming increasingly dangerous under the counteroffensive's current circumstances and as the West continues to flood Ukraine with military aid, Farinazzo warned.


The Brazilian Navy reserve officer claimed that there were several characteristics common to the Brazilians being recruited to fight in Ukraine. People who adhere ideologically to radical or neo-Nazi ideals make up the first group.


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