World Meteorological Organization reveals, global temperature will rise in next 5 years

A big statement has come from the World Meteorological Organization. It says that in the next 5 years, the global temperature will continue to rise. The World Meteorological Organization has also expressed a lot of concern about this. Under the global agreement, the countries of the world had set a target to limit the long-term average temperature rise to 1.5 - 2 degrees Celsius from the pre-industrial levels. This does not mean that the world will exceed the long-term temperature rise limit of 1.5 degrees. This level of temperature has been determined by scientists to avoid the effects of devastating climate change.

Meanwhile, WMO Secretary Petteri Taalas has said that this shows the tendency of temperature to rise. This underscores the huge challenge due to which the countries have set a target to limit the global temperature to within 2 degrees under the Paris Agreement. Under this agreement, countries were asked to cut greenhouse gases. The Paris Climate Agreement is basically about keeping the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius.

This agreement also asks all countries to try to keep the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Only then can the dangerous effects of climate change be avoided. The WMO says that there is a 20% probability that the average annual temperature will touch the 1.5-degree level anytime between 2020-2024. Meanwhile, there is a "possibility" of being at least 1 degree above pre-industrial levels in each of those years. It is being told that almost every region will feel its impact.

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