PC THOMAS: As the novel COVID-19 has given new understanding for self-sacrifice this second consecutive year 2021, whole human race has taken positively to challenge combating the virus threat by lockdown and eased lockdowns including all religious rituals irrespective all communities. Public worship hitherto common has been reduced to personal observation once again this 2021. The most important Christian celebration of Holy week rituals – the Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter services – are cancelled so that the worshippers should not be exposed to this deadly virus. All places where the public assemble, state and country borders and even personal closeness have been made either naught or minimal to the core.
Why do these miseries happen? As common believers, we are going through a time when many doubts haunt in the minds of all of us.
During the start of lockdown period last year, I came across a message through social media, the essence of which is given below:
There is a drama titled ‘The Last War’ written by the famous British writer Neil Grant in 1935. In this script, it was portrayed that there was a high battle grown among the counties of the world, using scientific weapons filled with viruses, causing total death of people, throughout the earth.
Following the war, the entire mankind has been wiped from the world and finally, somehow, a group of animal including dog, horse, monkey, lion, snake etc, who survived, held a conference to assess the situation of the losing of mankind, where each animal started blaming human for the disaster. Every animal but dog was happy that human perished. Horse had foreseen the precarious situation as he was the constant companion of soldiers so do with all the animals had their opinions.
As the animal group continues to engage in such discussions, the real hero VIRUS who vanished the entire humanity come in the midst of discussion in the form of a big bug and added his report – he said, “despite knowing how dangerous I am, it was the scientists who have brought me up in the laboratories to develop me as a big weapon to use against his enemies.
The appearance of an angel changed the whole scenario, who cleared the discussion by unequivocally proving that the destruction has been the by-product or result of human selfishness and pride.
At the end of the discussion, somehow a single man who escaped from the virus attack comes in to the final scene. Then all the animals tried to attack him, the angel helps him and saves his life. However, the man determined himself that it is pointless to live alone in the world and felt it is better to commit suicide. He recognized his wrongdoing and apologizes to other creatures for all the offence he has done to the universe. Then the angel protects and saves his life by taking him away from the animals – the curtain falls, the drama ended here.
This play gives much thought during the Corona Virus period. Even though everything that has happened in the world and what is happening now is according to God's plan, God is still able to care for the people of God who pray. Suffering is not caused by God. Since all miseries are the manifestation of divine plans, there is only one thing we can do – pray to the God as His plan is unknown. Let God save and take into life. All suffering have an end, after the Good Friday (suffering), there will be Easter the resurrection for hope. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow, God Bless the World.
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Pleasant words are sweet to the soul - convert enemy into friend!