Good Reasons Why You Should Eat Berries

If someone offered you a pill that helped you feel full, lose weight, and prevent disease, you’d take it, right? And what if it tasted great, too? Fortunately, you don’t have to go to your doctor for that kind of prescription. You just need to visit your grocery store and load up on a wide selection of fresh or frozen berries. Blueberries are luscious little berries with dark blue skin. Because they're good for you, blueberries top the list of healthy fruits and berries.:

They are filled with antioxidants

The rich gorgeous colors of berries means they’re loaded with good for you antioxidants that boost immune function and reduce oxidative stress.

Lose troublesome belly fat

Belly fat may be an indicator of higher risk for certain diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Blueberries may be helpful in boosting fat-burning in the abdomen and lowering dangerous triglyceride levels.

Berries are rich in vitamins

Fresh berries are an excellent sources of vitamin-C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation, and scavenge harmful free radicals from the human body. They carry adequate levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

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