Google is soon going to ban Torrent sites

Google war against piracy is going to be fierce now. Reacting to the number of complaints and negative feedback received from entertainment companies, search engine giant, the company is soon going to ban all the torrent sites.

According to the report by Torrent Freak, the search engines have entered a clause to stay away from ‘promoting’ the torrent sites. A discussion took place recently and was chaired by UK’s intellectual Property Office. Companies like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Hollywood representatives joined the meeting. Though these changes, for now, is expected only in the UK, the internet is an interconnected world and may see global effect of the ban.

The report from Torrent Freak further added that this will be applied from June 1, 2017. As of now, this move will be restricted to the United Kingdom, but it will be interesting to see whether the measures will work uniformly around the world.

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