Orrisa Govt bans spitting in public places amid covid-19 outbreak

Bhubaneswar: The Navin Patnaik government of Odisha has issued a notification on April 16, complying with the directive of the Union Health Ministry prohibiting spitting of any form in public places with immediate effect. It said that the general public should be prevented from spitting in any form anywhere in public places or in institutions. This is a laudable move by the government and will also prevent the infection of Corona.

The Union Health Ministry has mentioned in its letter that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has urged people not to spit tobacco in public places. Chewing tobacco products like pan masala and betel nut creates more saliva in the mouth, which makes people feel like spitting it out. Spitting in public places is more at risk of coronavirus infection.

The ICMR has also appealed to the common citizen to abstain from smokeless tobacco products and to avoid spitting in public places during the corona epidemic, given the increasing risk of the corona epidemic. On April 10, the Union Health Ministry has asked states and union territories to take preventive measures under appropriate legislation to prevent people from using smokeless tobacco products and spitting in public places.

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