Great Ways to Boost your Child’s Immunity!!!

With the upcoming cold and flu season, now is the time to start thinking about boosting your child’s immune system. Many parents think that runny noses, constant colds and stomach bugs are just par for the course with young children in school or day care, but they don’t have to be.


Breastfeeding is crucial to developing a strong immune system. Breastmilk supplies the factors necessary to protect your baby against disease, as well as all the nutrition he or she needs, including the essential fatty acids. Breastfed babies experience fewer infections than babies that are bottle-fed.


The common name used for this is Acidophilus. These are healthy bacteria that live in our intestines and help with our immune system. The best species of probiotics are lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.

Good Sleep

Most children don’t get the required amount of sleep. It’s the quality of sleep that matters most. For proper secretion of melatonin (sleep hormone), children need to sleep in the dark, without light. Since electromagnetic frequency has also been shown to affect sleep quality,

Mental and Emotional Well-Being

The best nutrition for the immune system is love and attention. Children need to be held, hugged, rocked, massaged, nursed, touched and kissed regularly. When they feel loved and sense that the people around them love each other, they are secure and happy which makes they immune system healthier.

Enjoy Nature

Let your child explore mother nature. Give your child plenty of fresh air. Go for walks in the wood or parks. Let your child run, jump, dance and climb. Allow them to run barefoot on the grass and climb trees. Nature is an excellent immune stimulator and being exposed in a happy, healthy.

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