This City a little weird! Mobile, Tv and Radio is banned

In today's time, if a person does not have a mobile or TV, then there seems to be nothing in life. And there will hardly be any such house in the world, where no one in the family has a mobile or does not use them. But you will be surprised to know that there is also a city in the world where everything from mobile to TV and radio is banned for the people. No one can use these things at this place and if anyone is found doing so, they can be arrested and sent to jail. Today we are going to tell you about one such city.

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The name of this city is Green Bank, which falls in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, USA. The population of this city is around 150, but no one uses mobile, TV or radio here. The city is also famous because it has the world's largest steerable radio telescope, which is known as the 'Green Bank Telescope'. This telescope is transportable, that is, it can be carried from one place to another.

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The Green Bank Telescope is 485 feet long and weighs 7,600 MT. The dish placed on top of it is so big that a whole football field can be contained in it. The area where this telescope is located is the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which was established in the year 1958. Here radio waves coming from space are studied. There are many telescopes in this area, which are capable of detecting from gravitational waves to black holes. It is said about this telescope that it can also hold signals 13 billion light-years away in space. In the case of radio waves, it is very sensitive. This is the reason why there is a ban on things in this area ranging from mobile phones to TVs, radios, iPods, wireless headphones, remote control toys, cordless phones and microwave ovens because these devices allow telescopes to detect radio waves in space. 

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