People of Ramsan village have not celebrated Holi for 207 years, Know reason

Banaskantha: While on the one hand, the whole country is celebrating Holi with great pomp and on the other hand, celebrating Holi in Ramsan village in Banaskantha district of Gujarat is considered inauspicious. Holi has not been celebrated in this village for the last 207 years. Neither color nor Holika Dahan is played here on the day of Holi. The old name of this village is Rameshwar and the belief is that Rama worshiped Lord Rameshwar here. Ramsan village now has about 10 thousand people.

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The people of Ramsan village believe that Holika was burnt in this village 207 years ago and Holi was celebrated with pomp, but then suddenly a fire broke out in the entire village that day. Most of the houses were burnt to ashes due to the fire. Since then the people of the village got scared and stopped celebrating the festival of Holi. Since that incident, the people of the village have never celebrated Holi till date. The people of the village believe that the king of this village had despised sages and saints after not burning Holika.

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The saints became angry on this matter and cursed the village and the king that on this day of Holi, there will be fire in this village and the whole village will burn. Then when the villagers burnt Holika, a fire broke out in the whole village. From then on, the people of the village stopped believing Holi. After all this, even after many years, when the villagers again celebrated Holi and burnt Holika, a fire broke out in the entire village once again. In which many houses were burnt down. Since then, the villagers have not celebrated Holi.

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