H3N2 influenza: 'Stop prescribing antibiotics for fever and cold' says IMA

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) urged doctors not to prescribe antibiotics due to the rising number of patients suffering from seasonal fever, colds, and coughs.

"There is a rapid spike in the number of patients exhibiting symptoms of cough, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, fever, body discomfort, and in some cases, diarrhoea," the group noted in a tweet about this.

According to the group, while the cough might last up to three weeks, the fever disappears after three days. According to data from NCDC, the H3N2 influenza virus is the predominant cause of cases. However, the IMA noted that seasonal colds and coughs are frequent during this time of year and urged medical professionals to just treat symptoms rather than giving their patients antibiotic prescriptions.

Athreycin, Amoxiclav, and other antibiotics have been used by people without regard for dosage or frequency, and once they begin to feel better, they quit taking them. This is something that IMA brought up. They continued by saying that this must cease since it promotes antibiotic resistance. When antibiotics are really used, they won't function because of resistance, said IMA.

It also made note of the fact that a number of other antibiotics are being used improperly and leading to patient resistance. Citing examples, they stated that antibiotics are prescribed by doctors even though they are not necessary for 70% of cases of diarrhoea.

Antibiotic resistance may be the cause of a new pandemic in India, according to a Lancet report from the previous year. According to the report, one of the nations most adversely affected by "antimicrobial resistance" is India.

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