Handwashing and cleaning your house frequently may protect you against unhealthy chemicals


A study revealed that suing handwashes and cleaning your house can make you healthy. It reduces germs from your home and also from our body. The antioxidants help to fight the germs. To assess whether handwashing and house cleaning effectively.

In an experiment done by the researchers, participants were randomly assigned to one of two interventions, house cleaning or handwashing, for the first week of the study.

The first group that is the house cleaning intervention group was given microfiber mops, vacuums, and microfiber cloths and asked to increase the amount they cleaned their home that week.

The second group is the handwashing group that was given hand soaps and asked to focus on washing their hands more than they typically do, especially before meals. During the second week of the study, all participants were asked to do both extra handwashing and housecleaning.

Along with the group experiment, individual tests were done on people, Urine samples were collected from participants before the study began and following the first and second weeks of the intervention.

Tris was detected in 97 percent of urine samples. Following the first week of the intervention, the housecleaning group and handwashing group experienced a 47 percent decrease and 31 percent decrease in Tris levels measured in urine, respectively.

Women with higher than average exposure to Tris before the intervention began, experienced a 74 percent decrease in their levels following a week of housecleaning.

The researchers then concluded that people should hand sanitizers and hand washes should use liquids house cleaning material to keep and be safe. Instead of soaps and solid cleaning products, liquid cleaning products should be preferred.

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