When is Hariyali Teej and What is Auspicious Muhurat?

The month of Sawan has started. In such a situation, the third date of Shukla Paksha of this month is named Hariyali Teej. Mother Parvati is worshiped on this day by keeping a fast. In fact, if we believe in religious beliefs, then this is the same date when Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati reunited. Let us tell all of you that on the day of Hariyali Teej, women keep a fast for the long life of their husbands, along with this they wish for children and happy married life.

Let us tell all of you that on Hariyali Teej, women keep a Nirjala fast and get the boon of economic development of their husband and of being an unbroken good fortune. Because of this, the fast of Hariyali Teej is very special for married women. Let us also tell all of you that this time the Tritiya date of Shukla Paksha is starting from 06:05 pm on Tuesday, 10th August. This date will end on the next day, 11th August, Wednesday at 04:53 pm. In such a situation, the fast is kept on the day of Udaya Tithi, due to which this year the fast of Hariyali Teej will be kept on 11 August 2021.

Keep in mind that during the fast of Hariyali Teej, green-colored things are offered to Goddess Parvati at the time of worship. This is because Mother Parvati is considered to be the world of nature. Along with this, during the worship of Mother Parvati, sixteen items of makeup have to be offered. Hariyali Teej Vrat Katha is recited after worshiping on this day.

According to the Hariyali Teej Puja Yoga and Shubh Muhurta- Panchang, there is Shiva Yoga on 11th August 2021 till 06.28 pm. Along with this, there is also Ravi Yoga throughout the day from 09:32 am on this day. If the fast of Hariyali Teej is kept in Shiva Yoga, then it will be considered good.

This time it's two days, Sawan Purnima, know on which day Rakhi will be tied auspiciously

Horoscope 30 July: Bholenath is kind to these zodiac signs in the month of Sawan

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