After delivery eating this pulse is beneficial for women

Iron deficiency in women often occurs due to anemia after delivery. This iron deficiency in women can be overcome with the right food and drink. Therefore, women are given special food after delivery. One of these is 'Kulathi Dal'. Consumption of this benefits women during regular and excessive bleeding. Consuming it for 45 days after delivery gives special benefit.

Kulathi dal is like other common pulses, but you will be surprised to know its properties. Very few people know about its medicinal properties. Kulathi dal has more nutritional reserves than other pulses. It contains 25 percent protein, which is about half of the soybean. So there is also a large amount of iron.

Prevent Acidity Problems Many women experience delivery acidity. Due to this, there is a problem in digestion. Therefore, doctors also advise new mothers to eat kulathi pulses after delivery so that their digestive system is maintained and milk production also increases.

Nutrisian present in Kulthi dal is rich in fiber , it is effective in increasing milk in the newly born. Effective in controlling fever after delivery. This also keeps the weight under control. Rich in fiber, these lentils control cholesterol levels. Its use is beneficial in the problem of indigestion.

Kulathi lentil water or soup is very useful for women to prevent anemia in women. According to Ayurveda, women should regularly consume one teaspoon of Kulathi Dal powder. Especially after delivery for 45 days, it provides special benefits. It is found in plenty of iron, which fulfills anemia in women.

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