If you are troubled by constipation then take these foods

There are many reasons for constipation. A common reason is due to a change in style or not eating at the right time. During constipation, special attention needs to be given to the diet. There are some foods that relieve constipation, while there are many that should not be eaten at all during constipation, as they increase constipation more.

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Constipation increases the chances of hemorrhoids, body aches, headaches, blotting. To avoid this, avoid eating fried foods during constipation. Raisins are rich in fiber. Soak a handful of raisins in water overnight and eat it on an empty stomach in the morning. It Will benefit.

If you are troubled by constipation problem, do not consume these food items. Many people suffer from constipation due to the consumption of dairy products. This is due to the effect of lactose present in dairy products. Constipation is aggravated due to high-fat content in some dairy products. Dairy products should be avoided during constipation. Also, keep in mind that cookies are sources of refined carbohydrates.

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They contain low fiber content and high-fat content. During constipation, the intake of cookies should be reduced as it increases the problem of constipation. Rice is not digested very easily. White rice consumption disturbs the bowel movement because white rice has more fiber than brown rice. During constipation, white rice should be avoided.

If you also take birth control pills, then be aware of these adverse effects!

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