Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin D

In any supermarket you can find products that contain vitamin D. But, in truth, there are very few products in which it is in its pure form, without the addition of chemicals and flavors.

Typically, vitamin D penetrates the human body in the form of a synthesis of solar energy through the skin. But in the modern world, where many people spend endless hours indoors, exposure to sunlight, unfortunately, is becoming limited.

And this fact can be the main cause of many diseases, including depression. Indeed, without warm bright rays, the world grows dull and the mood falls.

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Some people who follow a natural vegetarian diet mainly consume vitamin D3 or famous Japanese shiitake mushrooms (on the TravoMarket website for more information about it). In addition, vegetarians are required daily to receive a charge of sunlight. Based on this, the question arises - in which products does vitamin D in its pure form? Below is a list of these products, and it is recommended for those who are on a lean or vegetarian diet. Undoubtedly, their consumption is very good for health.


Mackerel (mackerel family) contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids and, of course, a large amount of vitamin D and B12, which will provide the body with 90% of the recommended daily intake. Currently, the US Department of Health and Human Services agency recommends that people consume more mackerel . This will provide the body with essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own.

sockeye salmon

A small portion of cooked salmon will give 90% of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin D. When buying salmon, you need to make sure that it is caught in natural conditions, and if not, carefully processed.


Herrings are very high in vitamin D because they feed on plankton, which is also rich in them.


Catfish is another fish that, like herring, feeds on plankton. But plankton is not the only source of vitamin D. The catfish absorbs sunlight through sea water, which provides it with a rich content of D.


50 percent of your daily essential intake of vitamin D will give you tuna. Tuna caught in the sea is the most nutritious. It is important to remember that eating fatty fish can also affect the performance of “good fats” in the body, which have enormous health benefits, showing themselves to improve memory and brain function.

Fish oil

People who can tolerate the strong and not very pleasant taste and smell of fish oil are lucky, because fish oil is very rich in vitamin D content, compared with other sources. It is also filled with omega 3 fatty acids. The inclusion of fish oil in a normal daily diet will have a good effect on healthy and strengthen bones. Because of its high Vitamin D content, fish oil has been proven to fight osteoporosis in adults, improve brain function and optimize the function of the nervous system.


Eggs are another tasty and nutritious source containing small amounts of vitamin D. Daily consumption of one egg will be approximately 10% of the required amount. Best of all, undoubtedly, there are homemade eggs, and not those that undergo various treatments at the poultry farm.

7 beneficial properties of vitamin D

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There are many reasons to consume foods that contain vitamin D, they are useful in the following cases:

Chronic Disease Prevention Protection of bones, teeth and hair. Regulation of cell growth and healthy cell activity. Complete reduction of redness and swelling. Skeletal Muscle Tissue Health Women's health benefits after menopause and the health benefits of African American men.

If a person is a vegetarian or does not eat fish - it does not matter! He can receive vitamin D daily from sunlight.

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