Heat will break the record, many problems can increase in these cities

New Delhi: After breaking the first record, the heat has started destroying the old record in February itself. As per the Meteorological Department, this time in February, the temperature of many cities including Delhi and Mumbai can be above average. It seems clear that people of these cities may have to face more heat and water shortage and many other problems. The heat has started to affect the coastal areas before knocking in the north plains. Temperatures have increased sharply in Delhi after February 10 due to the changing trend of winds. The temperature has increased by more than 5 degrees in the last 10 days.

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In view of this, the Meteorological Department has predicted that there is a possibility of higher than normal temperatures in many parts of India in March-April. According to the Meteorological Department, in April, average temperatures in Delhi, UP, Haryana, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, MP, and Maharashtra are expected to be above 1 degree to 1.5 degree Celsius. February has already warmed up for the coastal regions including Maharashtra and winter is expected to increase in the next two months. In Mumbai, the maximum temperature crossed 39 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, is a recent example of this.

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The Meteorological Department says that after 1966 in February, the highest temperature so far in Mumbai was recorded at 38.1 degree Celsius on February 17 and 39 degree Celsius on February 18. It was 7 degrees Celsius higher than normal. Earlier, the maximum temperature in Mumbai was recorded at 39.6 degree Celsius on 25 February 1966. Sati Devi, the head scientist of the forecasting unit of the department, told the media that in the third week of February, the temperature levels in the coastal areas are constantly increasing.

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