Heavy school bag harms the physical and mental health of kids

Children's school bags are so heavy that affect the child's not only physical health but also affect mental health. The weight of the bag is around 6 kg. Think about how the kids would walk, by raising such a heavy bag, how the child would climb the stairs.

According to the Expert, children are faced with back pain and muscle problems and neck pain due to heavy weight. Children's bones are soft for 18 years, until this age, the spinal cord is not strong enough to handle so much weight.

Due to this, 60% of the children studying in the school, pain in the joints, 30% of children are suffering from chest pain and 58% of children suffer from cardiovascular disease. Problems of lungs also start with the loss of spinal cord to the children.

Many times there is a problem of breathing too. The weight of the child's bag should not exceed 10 percent of its weight. Put a child's yoga and exercise habit.

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