High Court says, ' Domestic violence rising amid lockdown'

Jammu: On one hand, the case of Corona, which is increasing in the world, and on the other hand, the case of crime is increasing and it has made it difficult for people to live. The crime is a human disaster which can never end, whereas the world suffering from Corona. The figures of death are increasing in every corner. Keeping this in mind, the government started the rules like lock down, but since then domestic violence has started to flourish. The Jammu and Kashmir High Court has taken a strict stance by taking automatic cognizance of the incidents of domestic violence on women and girls during the lockdown. The court directed all the courts in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh to consider the incidents of domestic violence as necessary. The court appointed advocate Monica Kohli as amicus curiae in the case.

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According to the sources, the High Court Chief Justice Geeta Mittal and Judge Rajneesh Oswal heard the case from their home through video conferencing. The court said that due to corona epidemic in the whole world, the socio-economic condition of women and children has been affected. The High Court issued a notice to the Secretary of the Social Welfare Department of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh and the Member Secretary of the Jammu and Kashmir State Legal Services Authority. They have been asked to report on domestic or other violence against women due to lockdown. The court also said that while examining the methods adopted by different countries, give suggestions regarding the steps to be taken in the two union territories.

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The court said that tele / online legal and counseling services for women and girls and safe places for women should be fixed. There should be facility to complain at grocery and drug stores. The vacant hotels, educational institutions should be developed as shelter. The court also said that the Member Secretary of the Legal Services Authority should prepare a list of pending cases related to domestic violence and ensure the safety and interests of women in such cases. They can also take help of the police for this. Instructed that a report on the steps to be taken on the next date be presented.

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