Bumper recruitment for Anganwadi worker and helper, know the last date

Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken out recruitment for women on government posts. Women Development Child Welfare Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has been looking for experienced candidates for 489 vacancies for Anganwadi Worker and Helper. If you have a completed 10th and experience in the relevant subject, then you can apply for these posts by the interested and eligible candidates by 30-11-2019 (Last Date). You should apply for this job as soon as possible. Eligible and interested candidates for the last date to apply, application fee, selection process for the job, age limit for the job, details of the posts, the names of the posts, educational qualifications for the job, total number of posts You can get very important information related to the job like below

Get job opportunity for 10th pass candidates, salary Rs 69100

Name of post- Anganwadi Worker and Helper
Total post name - 489
Location- Hyderabad

Looking for getting a job of a human rights worker, see here

Name of post Post number Qualification Age Range the wages
Anganwadi Helper 343 10th 21-35 years 7000 / -
Mini Anganwadi Worker 83 10th 21-35 years 7000 / -
Anganwadi Worker 63 10th 21-35 years 11500 / -
Candidates eligible for the job can easily apply in this way-
Eligible and interested candidates apply on the prescribed format of the application form, along with education and other qualifications, date of birth and other necessary information and documents, along with self-restrictive copies and send it before the due date.

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