Recruitment for the posts of Senior Consultant, Web Administrator, Salary Rs 90,000

Eligible and qualified candidates for recruitment to 6 vacant posts of Senior Consultants, Lady Consultants, Consultants, Web Administrators and others can apply for the job by 21.08.2019. This is the last date for applying. Please apply for this job as soon as possible. The last date for applying for the job and the aspiring candidates, application fees, selection process for the job, age limit for the job, details of the posts where the recruitment took place, the names of the posts, the academic qualifications for the job, the number of total posts, such as the number of job-related information below Can get in detail...

Post Name - Senior Consultant, Lady Consultant, Consultant, Web Administrator and others

Total Posts – 6

Location: Delhi

This is the age limit of candidates for the job.

The age range for this post is set according to the criteria.

Eligible candidates will be selected for the job in this way.

Interview after written examination.

Candidates eligible for the job can apply this way easily.

Interested candidates visit the official website and download the notification and read it. Aware of all the information, the youth can appear with all their documents on 21St 2019 at NIHFW Campus, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi 110067 for interview at this address.

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