How to identify, You are ready to Give a second chance in a Relationship

These days relationships are changed as the environment of people is changed. As we are sometimes frustrated with the relationship. Sometimes we feel to end the relationship. As we are not able to differentiate between right and wrong. Of course, we are humans and make mistakes. But you first need to understand, if this is a one-time error, or a pattern. Moreover, it all depends on the main issue for the rift; for instance, in case of chronic lying or cheating, one may not be in a position to forgive the other and build the trust. However, if there is a conflict or mistake that has influenced your bond in any way, think about it and take action. Everyone doesn’t deserve a second chance in a relationship. Here is  a way to identify that help you understand that you are ready for a second chance or not.

Not only about Love:  IIt's shouldn't be enough to stay with someone just because you "love" each other. There has to be more than love. Sure, it's one of the most important factors in a relationship, but let's not forget about trust, loyalty and respect.

No to repeatative Behaviour: Analyse your relationship. Is this the first second chance they’ve had, or is it technically their fifth chance?If the behavior that’s upset you this time is something that has upset you in the past, this may be a pattern. No to Cheating: If for you cheating in a relationship is big no then don’t take the risk. Maybe they’ve cheated on you or lied to you before – if you forgave them once, they may think that they can keep getting away with it. No to emotional Drama: Be practical,  if you can forget about the   incident then you can give it a second chance and if  you can not able to give second chance then don’t get influenced by saga of drama and trauma for both in the future. Holding a grudge never does any good. If you are unable to forgive your partner and feel that the mistake is big enough to end the relationship, honour the decision, and don’t get back together. The seriousness of incident: You feel whatever he or she did wasn't serious enough to ruin the foundation of your relationship, it's worth taking the time to think about it. There are some offenses that ruin a relationship and there's no turning back.  If your partner is saying he or she will change, but there is no action showing any proof of this, why should you trust it? It's OK to give your other half another shot with you if you feel he or she is showing you with great effort that he or she deserves it. Apology: The apology has to be genuine, instead of a manipulation or paying lip service. Let them take responsibility for the mess, watch their actions (and not just focus on their words), and accept the apology only when you are clear about your feelings and theirs.  Efforts from Both sides: The drive to nurture the relationship has to come from both. Authentic communication, compassion, gratitude, honouring personal space, being open about feelings, verbalizing your expectations, making bigger changes, offering, and receiving constructive feedback, and practicing effective conflict resolution are key to a healthy.

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