How to relieve fever in kids?

Learn how to relieve fever in kids with effective treatments like P100 Drops and P100 Syrup, complemented by home remedies. Keep your child comfortable and safe with these proven methods.

Fever in children is a common problem that parents worry about, and they are concerned about how to treat it and reduce it. Fever is actually a normal response of the body to infection, but it can cause your child to be uncomfortable and cranky. Knowing the proper ways of treating fever such as the use of P100 Drops and P100 Syrup will assist you in taking good care of your child. This article will help you understand how to treat fever in kids safely.

Understanding Fever in Children

Fever is generally described as a state in which the body temperature rises above 100. 4°F (38°C). It is an innate response that assists the body to combat diseases such as viruses and bacteria. Mild fevers can often be managed at home, but you should seek medical attention if your child is:

Less than three months of age with a fever of more than 100.4°F (38°C) Suffering from a temperature of 38.9° C or 102° F Symptoms of dehydration like dryness of the mouth, no tearing when crying or less frequent passage of urine Having a seizure Unresponsive or lethargic

If your child’s fever is in any of these categories, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

P100 Drops and P100 Syrup

In the case of fever in children, there is a significant role that medications can help to play. P100 Drops and P100 Syrup are some of the medicines that are used to treat fever and pain in children.

P100 Drops: These are commonly used in children below the age of two years. P100 Drops are intended to lower fever and relieve pain so that your child feels better during the illness.

P100 Syrup: Recommended for children slightly older than those for whom the drops are prescribed, P100 Syrup has the same function but is easier to use since it is in liquid form. The syrup also has flavours that are preferred by children, this makes it easier to administer the syrup because the child will not resist taking the syrup.

P100 Syrup has paracetamol which is useful in the management of fever and pain. One should take the product in the dosage that is advised by the doctor. Natural Treatments to Use in Conjunction with Prescription Drugs Home remedies can be used to improve your child’s comfort and reduce fever naturally. Some of them are as follows:

Hydration: Make sure your child takes enough fluids in the form of water, clear soups or oral rehydration solutions. Fever can cause dehydration, so it is essential to ensure that your child drinks enough water. For infants, they should be fed with breast milk or formula as they have been. Lukewarm Baths: A lukewarm bath is effective in reducing fever. Do not use cold water since this will make the child shiver which may increase the child’s body temperature. Light Clothing: Make your child wear loose and light clothing and ensure that the room they sleep in is well aerated. Wearing many clothes or even covering oneself with blankets will only worsen the situation and raise the fever. Rest: Make your child take as much rest as possible. Rest assists the body to combat the infection that is causing the fever. Do not engage your child in activities that could cause further increase in body temperature. 

Supervision and When to Get Assistance

However, it is important to observe the child’s condition even if you are treating the fever at home. Monitor their temperature and look for any signs of changes in their behavior or other symptoms that could be associated with a more severe form of the disease.

Temperature Monitoring: You should use a good thermometer to take your child’s temperature often. Digital thermometers are preferred as they are more accurate. Behavioral Signs: Pay attention to your child’s behavior. If they are still playing and drinking fluids, then the fever is most probably something that can be treated at home. However, if they are more and more irritable, sleepy or uncommunicative, consult a doctor. Duration of Fever: If the fever is present for more than three days or if it is accompanied by other symptoms like rash, difficulty in breathing, or vomiting, then one should seek medical attention.

Preventing Fever in Children

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. It is impossible to avoid fever all together as it is the body’s natural response to infection, however, there are things you can do to minimise your child’s chances of getting a fever.


Hygiene Practices: Make sure your child practises good hygiene habits, for instance, washing his or her hands with soap and water before eating and after using the washroom. This small act can greatly help in preventing the transmission of diseases. Vaccinations: Make sure that your child is fully vaccinated. Some of the diseases that vaccines prevent are associated with fever. Healthy Diet: Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are foods that help build up the immune system of a child, and therefore, it will not be difficult for him or her to fight off infections that cause fever. Avoiding Sick Contacts: It is advisable to avoid exposing your child to other people especially when they are sick, during flu season or any contagious diseases.

It is always worrying to see children having fever but this is something that can be well handled at home with the right measures. To manage your child’s fever, you may use P100 Drops and P100 Syrup together with home remedies and close observation. It is always advisable to seek medical advice if you are uncertain about your child’s condition or if the fever persists.

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