Human Migration is a bane in the society

 There has been a significant increase in the movement of humans from place to place around the world. Human migration has turned the focus of world leading organisations towards it, due to the displacement of large number of population seeking asylums.

Migration has been presented in the society since the earliest days, where people move due to the hardships faced by them to live normally. Migration has never been a choice of people than helplessness. Many events have happened in the world where migration of people has made some worst records of displacement. The global refugee population has reached a new high in 2022, surpassing 30 million people.

The UN Migration Agency (IOM) defines a migration as any person who is moving or has moved across an international border or within a State away from his/her habitual place of residence, regardless of-the person’s legal status; whether the movement is voluntary or involuntary; what the causes for the movement are; what the length of the stay is.

The large population still continues to live in the countries they were born and only 1 out of every 30 is migrants. World history has some of the worst cases of human migration which can’t be unseen whenever the topic about migration comes up.

Syria has been the worst hitted country where over 25% of the total refugee populations are part of the global diaspora. As per the data of 2021, over 6.7 million Syrians have been refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Turkey. The total of Syrians been displaced within their country matches the number of refugees where 2.98 million still remain in hard to reach areas.

Ukraine has recorded over 5.2 million Ukrainians that have fled the country, with nearly 3 million taking shelter just across the border in Poland. This number has passed the UNHCR's initial estimate that  4 million Ukrainians — nearly 10% of the country's population would be displaced internationally as a result of conflict.

Afghanistan has 2.6 million refugees that are Afghan by birth, and this number has fluctuated steadily over the last four decades. For those Afghans still living in their home country, almost two-thirds are in areas that are directly affected by conflict. This conflict prompts ongoing internal displacement. Concern has been in Afghanistan for over 20 years and recently became the UN’s chosen partner for the emergency response to displacement in the northeastern part of the country. 

In South Sudan nearly 4 million people has driven out from their homes with more than half being forced to leave the country entirely. Approximately 2.6 million South Sudanese live in host communities abroad. The work has been going on to address the ongoing humanitarian needs and the pressure generated by widespread displacement.

Many countries have come out in centre to provide the assistance to the refugees achieving its need of there. In this many countries like US it has 19% of total world's migrant population and 51 million immigrants. Following with Germany to 4.8 of total world's migrant population with 13 million immigrants. Leading to Saudi Arabia having a 4.7 o f total world's migrant population.

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