If it starts to happen with you every day then understand it's a bad time going to starts

According to religious scriptures, there are many things that we should not do and there are many things that we should do. According to the scriptures, some things have been considered extremely auspicious and positive since ancient times, while some are considered equally ominous and negatively affected. If you know about these things, you can avoid their unlucky effects. Yes, today we're going to tell you about 5 things that are unlucky and indicate ominousness.

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1. The automatically breaking of beds, postures, and chair-tables etc. is considered to be a notifying of bad omen.

2. It is said that in the day of a woman embellished with ornaments, the philosophy is auspicious, but in a dream, the philosophy is inhospitable.

3. The sound of rustling like trees when the drum is played is considered to be bad luck.

4. It is said that the appearance of a mouse, moth, papika, bee, termites and micro insects in the house is an indicator of bad omen and destroys wealth.

5. It is said that the loss of gold and silver ornaments, diamond and pearl ornaments, is unlucky and if it is not found again, it is all going to be deteriorating.

also read These things in your home can Spoil your progressive fortunes

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