If you want good luck in life, then keep such a statue of Laughing Buddha in the house

Every person in the world wants happiness to come in his life. He keeps getting money and keeps buying whatever he wants to buy. In such a situation, nowadays people have started keeping things related to feng shui in their homes. Yes and if we talk about Feng Shui, then Feng Shui is made up of two words. Feng means Vayu Shui means water. Feng Shui scripture is based on water and air. By the way, good luck can be achieved by adopting different types of remedies mentioned by Feng Shui remedies. Today we are going to tell you about those remedies.

* If you want to convert your bad luck into good luck, then put a lying posture statue of Laughing Buddha at home.

* To maintain happiness in your married life, keep a pair of small figurines of birds like love bird, mandarin duck in your bedroom (feng shui tips for positivity at home).

* Keep such a laughing Buddha at home whose hands are standing upwards.

* To remove negative energy, keep black tortoise, red bird, white tiger or green dragon outside the house.

* Keep a beautiful metal idol in the conference hall of the office.

* For increase in luck and income, keep three colored Feng Shui frogs in the house with coins in their mouths.

* Place wind chimes with nine sticks in the drawing room of the house.

* Keeping the statue of Laughing Buddha sitting on the boat at home removes all the problems.

* Hanging a pair of fishes in the house is auspicious and it brings money gain or promotion in job.

* Hanging coins or bells on the door handle brings good luck.

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