In this case, Court gives a major blow to Donald Trump

A federal appeals court on Tuesday said U.S. President Donald Trump is violating the Constitution by blocking critics on Twitter. The court said Trump is ideologically discriminated and could have a wider impact. Let us know the full details

In this case, a three-judge panel agreed to last year's decision of a federal judge that Trump was discriminating against the constitutional rights of anti-people. The court said Donald Trump is in a government position and he uses Twitter. They can't stop the American people from blocking and reading their posts. The U.S. Justice Department has expressed displeasure over the decision but did not say whether the case would be appealed to the Supreme Court. "We are disappointed with the court's decision and are preparing ahead," Justice Department spokesman Kelly Laco said. As we have already argued, President Trump's decision to block users from his personal Twitter account does not violate the Constitution and freedom of expression.'

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For your information, the people who have been blocked by Trump on Twitter are represented by Jamil Jaffer, director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, and Jaffer, who filed a petition in court, which has been heard. Jaffer said social media accounts of government officials matter a lot to the public to discuss government policy.

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