Incredible benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, which is known as "Sun Salutation", is essentially about building a dimension within you where your physical cycles are in sync with the sun’s cycles, which run at about twelve-and-a-quarter years. If your system is in a certain level of vibrancy and readiness, and in a good state of receptivity, then naturally your cycle will be in sync with the solar cycle.

Improves Your Skin Glow

A nice-glowing skin is a result of good blood circulation; good digestion; proper relaxation and including certain foods in your diet which help achieve this beautiful effect. Also, there are many yoga asanas which can help you get glowing skin.

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Reduces Moods Swings and Brings More Emotional Stability

Deep breathing techniques with specific asanas provide great relaxation to the nerve cells or chakras. It can positively impact brain functioning. Specifically, it helps in balancing between the right and left sides of the brain.

Improves Digestion and Promotes Weight Loss

Proper exercise and rest along with a balanced diet results in improved insulin sensitivity and increases metabolism. This definitely stimulates the digestive tract by producing the right kind of digestive juices. Different asanas in Surya Namaskar directs the blood flow to various vital organs which helps them improve their performance.

Tones Muscles and Improves Flexibility

All the asanas carried out in Suryanamaskar focuses on different muscle groups and nerve centres called Chakras. This helps in toning almost all your body parts including arms, abs, thighs, and butt. It is also well known to improve body flexibility.

Improves Blood Circulation and Heart Health

Suryanamaskar gives your body a quick and nice workout. If done in a fast manner it acts as a HIIT cardio workout for your abs, thighs, and butt. Improved blood circulation results in low cholesterol levels and improved heart health.

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