India calls for urgent, practical support to 39 stranded Indian sailors on 2 ships in Chinese waters

India has called for urgent, practical and time-bound assistance to 39 Indian sailors stranded on two cargo ships in Chinese waters in view of the "grave" humanitarian situation developing onboard vessels.

Citing coronavirus-related restrictions, Chinese authorities have not allowed the ships, MV Jag Anand and MV Anastasia, to either dock or go for a crew change for months. "There is a growing stress on the crew members on account of the long delay. Given this and our concern for the increasingly difficult conditions for our crew members, these two cases are being pursued vigorously," MEA Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said.

He said while the shipping companies concerned are examining the logistics of moving the ships away from their current points of anchorage, the Indian embassy in Beijing is in touch with relevant Chinese authorities for berthing approvals to facilitate the crew change. Srivastava said Indian bulk cargo vessel MV Jag Anand, with 23 Indian sailors, has been on anchorage near Jingtang port in Hebei province of China since June 13 while MV Anastasia, with 16 Indians as crew members, is on anchorage near Caofeidian port since September 20.

"We have noted the statements of the Chinese side, expressing their willingness to extend their assistance in this matter. We expect that this assistance will be provided in an urgent, practical and timebound manner, given the grave humanitarian situation that is developing onboard the ships," he said.

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