India inks MoU with Namibia for reintroduction of cheetahs

NEW DELHI: India and Namibia have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) to reintroduce the fastest terrestrial species-- the cheetah-- in the Kuno-Palpur National Park in Madhya Pradesh's Sheopur district, hopfully around August 15.

“Fulfilling 75 glorious years of India's Independence with restoring the fastest terrestrial flagship species, the cheetah, in India, will rekindle the ecological dynamics of the landscape,” said Environment minister Bhupender Yadav after the signing of the agreement focusing on wildlife conservation and sustainable biodiversity utilsation between India and Namibia.

In the first lot, eight cheetahs will be brought to the Kuno wildlife sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh's Sheopur region, around 400 kilometres north of Bhopal. Cheetahs will be released into their enclosures to acclimate before being freed. In settlements near the forest, thousands of stray dogs have received vaccinations.

The cheetahs that will be relocated have been located, vaccinated, and moved to a quarantine facility in Namibia. After signing the Memorandum of Understanding, we are choosing the route of transportation. Many companies have made their services available. to help with the proceedings, a team from India, including a veterinarian, would travel to Namibia,  NTCA chief Yadav said. He also said that cheetahs may arrive in India in August, but the date has not been fixed yet.

According to sources, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would probably make the announcement during his Independence Day speech from Red Fort.

According to sources, a plane transporting the priceless cargo may land at an IAF airport.  Yadav said, plans are in the works to fly the cheetahs directly to Kuno, where they will be confined for 30 days while being tracked and radio-collared. When the cheetahs have adapted to the environment, he said, "they will be released in enclosures."

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