India shows tough attitude against China, Bofors guns deployed on LAC

Leh: The deployment of Pakistani Army Sixers Bofors cannons during the Kargil War on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh indicates that this time India is somehow not going to come under pressure of China. The Chinese army may have gone 2 km behind from Galvan Ghat but Chinese troops are still frozen in Finger 4 area of ​​Pangong So Lake.

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India also does not want to leave any stone unturned in its preparations, considering that China has taken such a deep step behind taking such a step backward. The construction of the strip is indicative of India's hard preparations to respond to any daring of China. After six rounds of talks between the Indian Army and the Chinese Army (People's Liberation Army-PLA) failed Divisional commander-level talks that took place on 2 June also failed. Now the next meeting of Brigadier level in East Ladakh has been scheduled on 6 June.

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Considering the continuous failure of the army, military experts believe that China is taking time on the pretext of negotiation and is engaged in making its internal preparations. Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh hoped that some solution to the dispute would be found in the talks to be held at the level of senior officers of both the armies again on 6 June. The officers will be involved in. This meeting will be led by the delegation of 14 corps commanders based in Leh from India.

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