Jammu and Kashmir: security forces claim 'Tral sector of Jammu Kashmir becomes terrorist free'

Srinagar: The Tral area of Pulwama in South Kashmir has been the fort of terrorist activities in the Kashmir Valley for the past several years. Burhan Wani, Sameer Tiger, Zakir Musa and suicide bomber Adil Bhatt of Pulwama attack were from this area and terrorist organizations like Lashkar, Jaish and Hizbul Mujahideen used to conduct their activities in this area.

After last year's Pulwama attack, the identity of this area has also changed. In the beginning of 2019, there were more than 30 terrorists active in Tral, which has reduced to just 3 after the continuous operation of the security forces. According to the Jammu and Kashmir Police, 18 terrorists are currently active in the Avantipora police division of Pulwama district, but all of them are now forced to hide in Sambura and Pampore areas and the area of Tral is almost terror-free after the constant pressure from the security forces. has gone.

While paying tributes to the soldiers who were martyred in the fidayeen attack in Pulwama on 14 February, CRPF Special DG Zulfiqar Hasan confirmed that the army was bringing all the terrorists and their helpers responsible for the Pulwama attack to their end. Jaish-e-Mohammed's organization has been completely wiped out from the area.

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