Report: Covaxin effective against double strain found in India

New Delhi: The country's first indigenous vaccine is also effective on the dual mutants of the global epidemic Corona virus. Scientists from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Pune-based National Institute of Virology (NIV) have revealed this in a research.

For this research, scientists first isolate people infected with different mutant viruses from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa and then tested with Covacin of Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech Pharma Company. Research revealed that even if a person is infected with a mutant virus after taking two doses of covacin, his condition will not remain in a critical condition. However, it is important to wash masks, social distensing and frequent hands on the face after getting vaccinated.

ICMR conducted three separate researches, out of which uk variant results were published in the Journal of Travel Medicine on January 27 this year. Based on research on the Brazilian variant, ICMR has now claimed that covacin is effective on dual mutants. The test has found covacin to be effective up to 78%.

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